RaptureRebornMMORPG Wiki

Sitemap  :


Rapture Citizens who have used the genetic Plasmids ( and maybe also some of the more powerful Tonics ) and have become addicted to ADAM. They who search out more ADAM to get their 'fix'. They become mentally and physically deformed/unstable - with resulting physiological damage and insanity.

A Cure for this condition was being sought.

"Splixers" - Another Typo-discovered word - Use as a Splicer slang term ??? ( Or their bad spelling ?? )


Scene We Coulda Seen :

BS2 should have had A Splicer taking a picture of YOU with a Genetic Research Camera

Orcs, Elfs and Dwarfs :

Some pretty bad deformations/deformities on those longtime Splicers : British style teeth ... Green complexion, Unpleasant demeanor, weird hair ...


One of the reasons they ( the BioShock game developers ) backed off from the more hideous deformations ( seen in the concept books ) was that the body modifications would affect how they moved -- requiring too many atypical variations for all the different skeletal Animations ( which would have been ALOT of creativity/work/time/$$$ to do adequately ). They claim that it was more horrifying if the ADAM-maimed NPCs were near-human, but that may just be an excuse.

So most models stayed relatively human shaped. Which was probably for the best, as the more divergent you get genetically, the more likely you will simply die from body system disruptions. All those pictures of huge cancerous growths/tumors and such - if they are external then likewise they would also be internal, severely interfering with organs, which is generally quickly deadly.


Another factor : BioShock Players would also have no Empathy whatsoever for revolting in-human monstrosities, and any attempted 'mouthings' of remaining humanity by them would be rendered meaningless (and be wasted effort). "Killlllll Meeeeeeeeeee ...". The few Splicers we hear talking ( mini-scenes and the One-Liners ) those references to previous life/etc ... wouldn't really be possible.

Ditto (in spades) for "Little Sisters', whose original Concept form was of shambling mounds and disgusting twisted Gollum-esque freaks.

Good thing Big Sisters Didn't Look Like This :


Spider Splicers, The Most (?) Mutated Splicer Type  :

Degrees of Mutation ... Their distorted appearance would not interfere with the majority of their body operations ( Cancer is fatal, alot ... the wrong kind of mutations causing biological disruption or organ/structural damage, likewise ). Regenerative abilities may assist in keeping a stable system.

Mental Instability cause by biochemical imbalances ( pretty complex to have it 'managed' by some Tonics without constant expert monitoring and adjustments ).

Limb Strength is needed to climb like that and jump ( AND THE 'Claws' - a bit more changes than a 'Brute' has got ). Joint flexibility as well.

Their cohesively functional form almost seems to imply that they were planned/designed to exist as we see them. Too many physical changes would be required for it to continually accidentally happening ( We see too many of them that look alike for any random genetic damage/pattern to be the cause ). Was it the work of Fontaine to intentionally turn people into those mutants for his 'army' ??

Consider that other abominations like this may have been attempted, but the experiments proved too fatal, so we never saw them.

Their regenerative power ( those organs you scarf down to restore your Hitpoints[1] - a bit simplified ( gland extract via medical procedure, versus eating them ), and kinda gruesome - which never really got much comment "MAD JACK THE CANNIBAL IS LOOSE IN RAPTURE" ).


Spider Splicers - An Attempt To Create An Adult Sea Slug Symbiont ?  :

A possible explanation for One of the most modified ( but still anthropomorphic ) of the Splicer types.

Perhaps a Project by Fontaine to try to solve his ADAM supply problems ( one to generate big bucks from the consumer market ... Or maybe for later in the larger World ). Larger than children, so capable of holding more ADAM than a child (?), which is likely to be limited by its toxicity - allowing them to be better Slug Farms.

We might find an "Aliens" style lab (Fontaine Futuristics) with various 'failed' experiments - some quite ghastly looking. But then Fontaine had little regard for human life, didn't he ? ( They sorta did this in BaSx Columbia when they made that preposterous assumption that Fink could do the bio-science needed for ADAM, and the assorted other nonsense to excuse the absurd TEKNOLOGEEZ ).

Possibly something to do with 'Little Brothers' ( those pesky orphan inmates which MUST have some use ... ). What other ways did Fontaine disposed of his useless male orphans ( besides the ones used on display to show off in his 'altruistic' propaganda efforts ). It should have looked odd or even suspicious to Rapture Citizens that the 'orphanages' ONLY took little girls. Likely the male orphan might be still useful for 'experimentation' of various sorts without the need for 'volunteers' ( or if he was dastardly enough, to just chop them up for fishing bait ). Perhaps accelerated growth ( ala Jack ) to make 'goons' for his Splicer Army ( a plan only just started before his 'death' ) ??

The Original Idea of Tentacle Splicer Stuff just Never Worked Out :

The MMORPG Rapture would continue with the near human presentation of Splicers, and not delve much into the more tentacle/blobbish/twisted freak ( like seen in many of the BioShock concept artwork ).

There could be some recreation of scenes mentioned in detail in the Novel about the results of some of the early ADAM experiments done in Fontaine's company labs ( horrendous things that even made Fontaine want to vomit ). Good Times .....

The Lamo Splicers  :

We need to see Splicers who are not powered up ... lacking their ADAM replenishment ( and who possibly sometimes run out of EVE ) who can't get their Plasmids to work. Insufficient ADAM also leads to deterioration and only partial operation of the Plasmid.

"Lamo Splicers" ( probably exhibiting cliche signs/symptoms/behavior of addiction-withdrawal BEYOND what we've seen previously -- LOTS of good 'junkie' cliches to employ there ). Some of them forgetting that their Plasmids no longer work when they come at you ( nothing more pathetic than seeing a Houdini Splicer "run out", think they haven't, and go run about as if they were disappearing and reappearing as the trick Plasmid normally does ). Dancing in front of you saying "You Cant See ME, You Cant See ME!!!", etc ...

Various appropriate verbal and action reactions by the Splicer to their ADAM failure ... "Noooooooooo !!!!"

Splicers Continued Various Elements of Rapture's Society :

Off-Fleet-Hall (Splicer Produced) Stage Shows :

  • 'Asshat' - The Musical
  • Hey Mr Plasterman ...
  • Walking Dead - The Musical !!!
  • The Protector Rings Twice (a drama aka "Daddy Dearest")
  • Dr Tuttles (or Why I Learned to Fear Nazi Zombies, and Love the Bomb)
  • The Amazing Mr Ryan - A One Man Show
  • Fort Frolic Follies (aka "Cohen Follies of 1960")
  • The Great Catsby (starring Biggles)
  • "I was a Teenage Splicer Corpse"
  • Lord of the Bathtub Ring

Entertainment became a Currency ... ( Not just those dreary personal Audio Diaries, but the longer 'show' and Music recordings ). Records and old Magazines, etc ...

Splicers From The Games :

Concept for Games :


I noticed they recycled the Ryan figure for some of the Splicers ( this seen in Olympus Heights ).


It is easy to think there were hundred of missing people ( around Apollo Square ), but notice it is the same dozen or so people over and over, and the same for each place you found one of these little displays. Simple answer : One Obsessed Splicer did the whole thing.


Splicer with Head embedded in the floor at Point Prometheus. So Suchong & Co musta been upto some weird shit there ... ( Ghosts of the 'Philadelphia Experiment[2]' perhaps ?? --- Suchong (proposing to Ryan): "If Splicer Not See Little Sister, Then Splicer Not Kill Little Sister" )

( Unfortunately this Splicer pulled out of the floor when I tried to lift with Telekinesis for a better pix )

Splicers Seen in the "Little Sisters Crazy Dollhouse" ( Lil-Sister-Vision in Persephone in BS2 )  :

Edwardian dress, Olympian proportions ( proportions tall with head 1/9th size of height ), feigned disinterested demeanor ... ( Assume them shaking inside in fear when a Little Sister walked by wondering "did the Lamb Bitch sign my death warrant, and that things comin' for me and is gonna draw out my life's blood, as I'm held down like all the others I've seen that done to ??? )

Kinda weird that (~7 year old) Little Sisters would be so knowledgeable to envision/mentally-create this - *EXCEPT* this is DELTA seeing it through a LS's eyes ( those tasty tasty eyes so much sought by Splicers ... )

Stranger might've been animated Teddy Bears or Wooden Soldiers or other 'toy' images- - maybe some of Rapture's (friendlier) Cartoon characters ... Hmm, those 'Edwardians' (stylish visions) WERE from some odd cartoon the Little Sisters might've seen ... 'THE ADVENTURES OF J. P. FARNSWORTH AND Dr. FRISKEY (his cat)'.

Splicer Lair :

For once, I would have liked YOU (the Player) to run into a Splicer living in one of those convenient Vents you sometimes traverse ( only ever used to access secret/locked areas ). Your movement being so restricted would be a difference. "Opportunity Lost, Levine !!!!"

It would require more NPC animations - crouch and crawl, turn, fire(?), etc ... for Splicers to operate in such a situation. We did get a limited number of badly reused Splicer 'skins', so that tells you they had budget issues. More Splicers being found Living in their hidey-hole "Lairs" would have required more specialized animations for their setting - sitting/eating/sleeping/getting-up-to-attack-you/etc ... ( a bit expensive I guess, when in BS1 they didn't even have a separate Tenenbaum figure model ).

There's more memory in the Game Computers these days to fit many MORE different objects, and the Tools to produce the Assets can have improved significantly also.

Splicer Simplicity :

Most Splicers, if they even (any longer) had any Plasmids, had very few ( compared to Jack or Delta or Atlas ). I could speculate, that the earlier ADAM products didn't allow you to change them out --- a much more complex biological mechanism/technology ( the slots and then changeable slots - via Gene Bank ). Earlier versions, the more you had, the more unstable you were ( and the Splicers we saw were the ones who generally had NOT genetically imploded from too many at once ). They ( various Plasmids/Tonics ) often interfered with each other, limiting options ... Bootlegged ADAM products could have many defects.

Later, Ryan would have wanted the Plasmids to not fry the Splicers (citizens he wanted back) so much ( He also wouldn't want MORE insane people tearing up his City and murdering other Citizens ). So when he got charge of Fontaine Futuristics, he would have probably had them (and his own Labs) work on alot more stability. This resulted in the Plasmid/Tonic Slot mechanism and a method to disable their effects ( which Delta and Jack and Atlas in our game made use of ). But who knows what long term effects might still be for those characters using so many - the game's timespan was really only days at most(?), so we didn't see it.

ADAM also may have been rare(r) by the time of the games, and it just may have been too hard to amass enough for more than a few Plasmids ( ontop of all the Tonics you could also want ) . SO Ryan's Bounty of 1000 ADAM on Jack might have been a BIG incentive ...

The Leadhead Splicers used guns and the Thuggish Splicers used blunt instruments for Melee fighting. They both don't show any active Plasmids. The Brute Splicers (before Minervas Den) do not use Plasmids either.

Simplicity Equals Surviving Splicers :

Most Splicers, if they even had any Plasmids, had very few ( compared to Jack or Delta or Atlas ). I could speculate that the earlier ones didn't allow you to change them out --- A much more complex biological mechanism/technology to engineer ( the quickly changed slots (one active Plasmid) and then changeable slots for Plasmids and Gene Tonics - via Gene Bank ). Earlier versions, the more you had the more unstable you were ( and the Splicers we saw were the ones who hadn't genetically imploded from too many at once ).

Later, Ryan would have wanted the Plasmids to not fry the Splicers so much ( he wouldn't want MORE insane people tearing up his City and murdering the Citizens ), so when he got charge of Fontaine Futuristics, he would have probably had them work on more Plasmid Stability, resulting in the Slot Mechanism and a method to disable their effects ( which Delta and Jack and Atlas as NEW SPLICERS could use - Though who knows what the long-term effects might still be - each game's timespan was really days at most(?) ).

ADAM also may have been rare(r) by the time of those two games, and it just may have been too hard for most Splicers to amass enough ADAM for more than a few Plasmids ( ontop of all the Tonics you could also want/need ).

Safe and Sane ( Splicerdom Was Not For All ) :

An Interesting thing is so many of the 'special' characters you interact with in Rapture AREN'T SPLICERS ( or not enuf to matter ). It could be taken as evidence that there were quite alot of people in the population that never became ADAM-Users ( something to give the MMORPGs 'later times' Rapture some variation and potential for its rebuilding ).

  • Ryan ( of course, though did the Vita Chambers use any ADAM - maybe WITHOUT gene-mods which caused genetic disruptions )
  • Atlas/Fontaine ( initially, then became one big blob of ADAM )
  • Langford - survived that gas spanking ( Seriously YOU though Ryan killed her ?? ) and kept straight
  • Grace ( crazy on earlier addictions ? - jazz singers notorious for Heroin use )
  • Sinclair ( later an insta-Alpha which is a bit too quick for the way ADAM works )
  • That other Johnny guy who tried to get u out of bathysphere
  • Mark Meltzer ( The guy in BS2 there to rescue his daughter ) though he becomes Daddy-ADAM-ized later
  • Porter ( another one later Daddy-ized, which uses alot of ADAM to adapt )
  • McDonagh ( though he sound pretty crazy with some of the things the writers have him say )
  • Steinman ( he doesn't seem to have overt splicer powers for all that he's so Bonkers - he might be showing effects of too much exposure to ADAM in his surgical operations )

Of course it wouldn't be fun unless some 'Bosses' had those Genetic powers  :

  • Sander Cohen - with all the ADAM he took, he shoulda been one big Tumor, no ? Perhaps it was the quality stuff which he could afford ( alot of poor quality bootleg ADAM mightv'e been reason for most Splicers deformations ).
  • Eleanor (???) - were all Sisters a kind of 'Splicer??
  • Wahl - projected his craziness and thought The Thinker was actually intelligent


Too bad Fink didn't know anything about Medical uses of ADAM, or Comstock might've been able to have his 'Aging' repaired ( WHICH NOBODY ELSE SEEMS TO HAVE EVER SUFFERED - FROM THAT 'TEAR" EXPOSURE THING ... "CUZ The Story Said So" ). Imagine him being a 'Teen Idol' (Angelic) looking chappy to impress the people of Columbia ( who all also could 'ascend' to a proper Eden-like perfection -- Possibly kidnap Steinman for those who even that couldn't fix ?? )

(( It is actually unknown whether the Handymen or Songbird were ADAM-enhanced, or that they didn't just have Quantumz Particles stuck up their butts instead ))

Splicer-like Perceptions of Reality :

You just have to listen to their monologues to hear how delusional many of them are ...

I talked about this years ago to try to Sci-Fi (justify) some of the weirder SEEMING 'Against the Laws of Physics' aspects of various ADAM powers in BioShock.

Add to the factors involved : Being ADAM_Addled - YOU in the game ( and most others you fight with ) are under the mental influences of being 'Spliced' ( you use huge amounts of ADAM, and more different Plasmids/Tonics than most other people in Rapture, AND you subject your body to it in a fairly short time interval ).

Add some possible chemical effects like : of hallucinogens in the environment, or being projected at you by Splicers you face ( or the ones your own Plasmids/Tonics give off ).

Both things may have you whacked out of your skull, and perceiving all kinds of things differently -- including many physical affects being done via the opponents Plasmids/Tonics ( Yes you can fire Fire out of your hand - It is just not quite the way you see it in the game through Jack's ADAM-warped eyes ).

Consider that those ADAM selling Ads ( which many inhabitants had constantly seen ) might be quite impressive in their fakery and 1950s era special effects - all to convince YOU to buy their product. Add THAT mental preconditioning to the psycho-chemical soup the Player and inhabitants exist under.

Last - just for the Player - Jack is not exactly 'normal', and had all kinds of weird conditioning done to his brain ( in a very short time as the story goes ). SO who knows how differently he (you) interpret what you see/hear/feel. Delta/Sigma/Elizabeth/Booker - are all not what you call 'normal' either.


How to Keep the MMORPG From Turning into a Mutant Freakshow :

You want to keep the Splicer flavors limited - mostly human - disfigurement is horrific enough -- and contrary to popular belief, things with tentacles don't walk so easily on dry land - THOUGH nothing says we can't have some oddities out in the Ocean ... 'Ack' - Woody Allen's Nightmare vision ( from the movie "Sleeper" ) of a terrible thing with : "the Body of a Crab and the Head of an Insurance Salesman" ...

Easy justification - too much mutation is unstable and fatal ( read about early ADAM genetic research in the Novel )

Best Reason - ever try animating tentacles and such ?? Making up all the required animations (usually unique to a particular body form/flavor) is ALOT of work. Much easier to reuse the standard anthropomorphic (human) animations with just a few unique ones thrown in.

I suppose some odd looking corpses can be found ( which DON'T have to be animated ) which might hint at various ADAM-weirdness having happened in the past.

Survivor (Unused Splicer Type from BS2 - Not Really Splicers)) :


Survivors in the MMORPG ... or "Survivivors" as they like to call themselves...

How many were there (possibly many in the other places in Rapture).

We did not hear about them (in-game) because they survive by keeping 'their heads down' ( away from where Jack or Delta or Sigma were busy slaughtering everything in sight ... ), and kept away from sociopaths like Sofia Lamb, perhaps even destroying city infrastructure between themselves and such enemies.


Listed as a sort-of Splicer ?? A less insane person ( so probably doesn't 'fit in' with real Splicers. - Not 'crazy enuf' )

Probably capable of more Tech use ( helps to be able to concentrate without always seeing bugs crawling up your arms ). Independent communities would have to secure their borders, and the adverse environments at those boundaries would call for protection (dress appropriately). Some of those environments might be intentionally there to dissuade invaders ( a connecting area filled with Carbon Monoxide is passable to a man with a breathing unit, but would kill most Splicers in minutes ).

I would have thought there would be many people in Rapture who (realistically) after seeing what happened to those using ADAM would have either stopped or never started using it. They would likely retain their full mental abilities ( an important component of their survival ), and organize themselves ( strength in numbers and via cooperation ). Many would isolate themselves from the Splicer Chaos and try to continue their lives. Ryan may have relied on many of them to keep his City functioning, and would organize his resources to support them ( as they would be his chief hope in rebuilding his City ).

The 'Survivors' in the BioShock games would have been generic more-normal human NPCs, versus the plot specific specials (even though some of their shapes were from recycled generic splicers).

We would NOT have seen much of them in the 2 BioShock games, as they would be 'smart enuf' to head the other direction from Jack (obviously Spliced) who was shooting up the place. They wouldn't be as interested in the 1000 ADAM Bounty Ryan had put on Jack (f or the risk involved and it drawing the presence of many crazy Splicers ). Survivors would avoid Sofia Lamb's murderous collectivist regime ( and they would probably have walled her off from the rest of Rapture ). Whole sections of the old city might be controlled/stabilized by Survivors. ( Encountering many peaceable inhabitants would NOT have served the game's Slaughter-fest theme anyway ).

Producing food would be the 'Survivors' base need, so I would expect them to be fishermen and farmers. They likely would buy off nearby Splicers with excess food production ( and the many not-quite insane Splicers would go along with this deal ). Associating with the Faction at Hephaestus to maintain their utilities would also be logical ( the Faction there likely would be counted as one of the Survivor groups ).

But what about Augustus Sinclair, Brigid Tenenbaum, Sofia Lamb, Grace Holloway and Stanley Poole in the MMORPG ? These characters are un-spliced humans, but it does count that they're survivors, aren't they ?

In the MMORPG the New City would be interested in contacting and affiliating with these 'Survivor' groups.


The Adventures of a Splicer (flavor vignette for MMORPG) :

A 'Toasty' Splicer with ambitions someday to become a "Brute" ( if he can ever save up enough ADAM ) and to become a 'big man' and get all the 'Betties'. Thus follows is a funny/quirky series of Rapture life situations where the luckless Splicer stumbles his way to being caught by Citizens and 'cured' of being A Splicer, but not of being a 'loser'.

Philosophically - For Ryan's society to work there do have to be 'losers' as well as 'winners'. Toasties will consume goods produced by others, paid for by his mundane job ( someone has to scrub the toilets) and go to the new revived baseball games ( and get the seat stuck behind the support pillar ), and continue to seek companionship ( unsuccessfully ) and in the end wind up in one of those urns at the Elysian Fields. Rapture never needed Fontaine, but it does need its 'Toasties' to continue to exist.

Omega Man (Last Unspliced Man in Rapture...) :

Actually, there were more than a few ( their non-insanity often gives them a big survival advantage, and all the weaklings are probably long gone ). Probably they are associate with others like themselves ( 'Safety in Numbers' -- You have to sleep sometime ... ) They will be (MMORPG) 'tapped into' for the future of New Rapture -- If they can be sold on the advantages of that endeavor.

Squee Splicers - Soooo Cute - then it rips your face off ...

Columbia should have had Clown Splicers - The disturbing Effects of those 'Tears' Appearing Everywhere ...

OR DIDN'T THEY ???????????

It is always nice when you Opponents don't use their numerical superiority to come at you all at once -- So you can kill them all piecemeal, one by one.

How Exactly Does a Spider Splicer Crawl on Ceilings ??  :

  • Extra strength ( strength type muscles instead of endurance type )
  • Did you inspect the walls/ceilings to see what might serve as handholds ( still hard to hang from a ceiling by them )
  • They are rather skinny ( less weight to hold up, jump with )
  • Probably do not climb that way (or can't) on smooth walls
  • Long fingernails
  • Flexible joints

Spider Splicers were the most physically modified of the common Splicer types.


Splicer with a Thompson is BAD NEWS !!! They didn't call that gun 'The Annihilator" for nothing ...

Fortunately such things ran out of Ammo very quick ( Army Joke was : "You needed Two Men and a Small Boy to carry enough ammo for a Thompson ..." )

Splicer Mish-Mosh :

You might notice that I haven't really proposed much in the way of new Splicers or Big Daddy variants. I've seen blogs and forum posting trying to define all kinds of new ones ( mostly turn out to be variations/combinations of existing types ).

Why have more new ones that pretty much will do the same thing ( that goes for weapons also ). Better to have the existing Splicers do better behaviors and more varied tactics and coordinate as groups.

No tentacles please -- alot of work to animate and then when done looks poor anyway ( and we are talking about full range of movement animations all other Splicers do ). There's a very good reason that BS1/BS2 had the Splicers remain mostly human shaped.

I would like to see more variation in their clothing ( which would be available as variants if NPC non-Splicers will have clothing also and Player creations to multiply those available ). Likewise the weapons/tools they carry ( and actually know how to use ).

Stooge Splicer ( Amusing Delusion ? ):

Slapstick Plasmid - "Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk!"

Bone reinforcement/clonking-head-hollow-gap, and blood flow restricting Tonics to counter 'funny' violence ...

Stooge Splicers are particularly dangerous because they 'go around' in Threes and thus you have no covered Flanks.

Powers to confuse their enemies by seemingly self-destructive behavior.

Pie Throwing Plasmid ( don't really want to think what bioplasm these 'pies' are created from ).

They always seem to survive and pop up somewhere else - no matter what happens.

The Alternate Curly and Shemp Stooge offer variety of interactions and tactics.

MMORPG Sander Cohen's New Bunny Splicers :

  • Hop like rabbits ( watchout, they're dodgy )
  • Come with and without Plaster coating ( it is actually granulated sugar )
  • New Melee Move - "Rabbit Kick" !!!
  • They have really good hearing, So it is hard to "Sneak Up On Them Wascally Wabbitz"
  • Sorry No Talking Like Bugs Bunny ( that voice is Copyrighted and Trademarked )

Boiled Barnacles $1.50 (Sign Seen in Paupers Drop) :

Figure that rubber bands actually taste better than your average barnacle ... Barnacles are 'filter feeders' and at most of the depth of Rapture with no light, very little grows - a fairly sparse ecosystem. Unless you look at what normally grows around spots that are nutrient rich - like sewage out-ports with all the bacteria and organisms that feed on that bacteria and up to things ( Plankton[3] ) large enough for barnacles to eat.

How many Splicers out there are still eating this (and worse).


"Fiery Brute Splicers" were Originally :

Neck Massage Therapists - "Oh, you got lotsa tension there in yo neck - lemme just fix that fo yah"

Being constantly on fire seems a bit problematic ( physiologically ) and is an obvious case of 'Variant-itus' when it is easier to mostly clone previous ideas instead of coming up with something new.

From "Crawler"  :

"At the September 2011 Sacramento Anime convention, Yuri Lowenthal mentioned that the developers of BioShock 2 originally intended for the "Crawler" Splicer to have an Appalachian accent, but that direction didn't seem to work, and it took a good four hours of looking over the concept art and revising his voice until he developed a good sense of the character being more insane."

'Kid' from "Deliverance" maybe ?? (a meme all by itself)

With Ken Levine's new found ( never heard of before the (?) 2015 interview ) idea of Character "Authentic Diversity", when funny enough was previously his 'diversity' seems to be making half of the primary characters Jews or Irishmen , so THEN why not also have 'Crawler' also be a Jew ?

  • Oui vey, these walls are cold !!
  • You just can't get good brisket out of a corpse no more ...
  • The Kapos were just like this !!! Mashugana !!!!
  • "When You Have Your Health..." ... Hey wait a minute there boychik !?!
  • You Putz !!! You come back here !!
  • Etc ...

--- --- --- --- ---

Fixing The Burial AT Sea 'Splicers" :


Box Head Alternatives ( Let's Improve the Stupidity Seen in BaSx ) :

  • Turkey on head ( Skeletal cuz it was tasty, and You Was So Hungry ... )
  • Toilet on head (ADAM also cures constipation ... Toilet Seat around neck on Beatles was a Soviet Propaganda counter-effort).
  • The Walking Barrel ( NOW THAT WOULDA been a surprise to see a Splicer come crawlin' outa a crate or barrel you try to loot back in the good BioShock games ).
  • Mardi Gras Head (Sander Cohen's was the second most favorite Party Head ...)
  • Bag over your head ( like those gormless Vox in that Freaky "Infinite" Art Movie. )

Eventually Splicers did start wearing masks on the BACK of their heads to keep others from sneaking up behind them.

--- --- ---

Age of Black Powder (no, NOT 'Black Power' ):

Gunpowder being made by Splicers for reloads for their guns. Carbon from charcoal, Sulfur was available from the Geothermal vents ( actually accumulates in some of the leaky steam heating pipes coming from Hephaestus ). Nitre .... comes from bacterial processing of urine (ack !!). Black powder creates alot of smoke and is less stable than the "smokeless powder" modern ammo uses. If Captain Kirk could do it on that planet to Fight the Gorn, then Splicers and others can do it in Rapture ... ( Funny -- is about the same timeframe for both ... ).

--- --- ---

Just Said NO to ADAM ... The People Who Never Were Splicers  :

Seems more than a few personalities in Rapture survived quite well without Splicing with ADAM ( or with insufficient use for it to be-evident/affect them ). Stanley Poole(mostly), Grace Holloway, Sofia Lamb, Ryan, Fontaine( til his swan song ), Sinclair, Tenenbaum, McDonagh(til he tried to assassinate Ryan), Sullivan(?) ... All managed to keep alive and be in control of their circumstances.

How many other people, citizens we never saw, did likewise ? Did only the crazies run towards death-machines like Jack/Delta/Sigma ( or to attack Big Daddies ) ? A clear head to stay alive, without the distraction of their addiction pulling them towards danger. Rapture may have still been relatively full of such people, even as Sofia Lamb carried out her atrocities down there in the South part of the City.

--- --- ---

To Splice or Not to Splice - That is the Conundrum :

Ryan 'Splicing His Forces' ( which McDonagh mentions ) ??? But did that actually include coercing his non-Splicer loyalists/citizens to Splice ? That's what the writers were so VAGUELY implying ( They never 'out and out' stated it ). OR was that mainly for already-existing Splicers which he upgraded ( and probably used some improved Plasmids/Tonics to stabilize them ) - If not also to implement the Pheromone-Control ( an insane army isn't of much use ).

Sinclair's product testing "Home Consumer Rewards Program"/"Sinclair Solutions Tester Pack" ( from Multiplayer Game - 'civil war' period ). Were these ever advertised in BS2 ??? More just a contrivance to facilitate that Multi-Player game situation. Maybe showing Ryan-Ordered testing of IMPROVED LESS-INSANITY-PRODUCING Plasmids ?

There is that poster requesting "All Unmodified Citizens to Report " ( http://www.game-archivist.com/rapture/img/museum/signs/fullsize/Rapture_Notice_To_Report.jpg ). But more likely NOT for Splicing, rather for arming and organizing defensive measures. It is really a bad/stupid idea for the people needed to maintain/supply/keep-order in Rapture to be affected adversely ... like by intentionally driving them insane via ADAM. ADAM was ( according to the story ) in short-supply - So guns and ammo would be, if not cheaper, the way to increase Ryan's force strength.

--- --- ---

Sound Clips From a Splicer ( example http://bioshock.wikia.com/wiki/Toasty ) :

How do we preserve this existing game aspect in the MMORPG ? On that link, look at all the variations and different circumstances where the voice assets are used.

We WOULD HAVE had all those as existing Assets ( assuming any previously published Assets are usable - that is a separate legal matter ), but there will/would be far more newer ones AND more NPC flavors ( and that is alot of voice talent work that would need to be done ). Players can be tapped into for that as with all the other assets.

New Ones - Speech synthesis ?? Can voices now be generated unique enough ( and how many different voices would we need ?? )

So far that's still pretty crude but could be useful for some things where voice assets could lack inflection and are flat and somewhat artificial sounding.

What about using the existing sound clips, doing some kind of slice-n-dice and build a vocabulary of words/phrases to genericize them for reuse/recombination ??

The programmed logic ( another Asset type ) to correctly trigger all these voice clips might be the greater part of the work - because of the far greater number of new situations which might be appropriate.

--- --- ---

Generic Splicers :

  • The ones we've seen in BS1/BS2 have largely been seen wandering about 'acting out' their delusional state and not carrying out ordinary functions ( eating/sleeping/watching TV/etc ... ). They also aggressively attacked the player, which was after they were 'stirred up' by Ryan's pheromone command to eliminate intruders ( and the bounty on Jack) or Sofia Lamb's similar orders to eliminate Delta ( passed on by her petty bosses ).
  • Splicers have 'a life' also (just like the NPC denizens of New Rapture have). They can NOT have been acting crazy the whole decade of time and survived, and thus must have more routine activities ( which the Player will be able to witness when they stealthily invade the Splicers turf in 'the Wild' ).
  • You might ask "when do we ever see Splicers in 'routine' state instead of when they simply come at us in combat ?". In THIS game you can do more 'scouting' and sneaking about and can catch Splicers unawares. You will also see alot more detail about where they live ( more than a mattress and some empty food cans strewn about ). Also with the proposed "Splicer Play" system you will witness the more normal behaviors of Splicers 'in situ'.
  • Good news is that alot of the routine 'day-to-day' activities are pretty much the same as for the Non-Splicer NPC Citizens of New Rapture ( and even the Player's avatar characters when they are left on automatic ). SO those animations and behavior scriptings can largely be reused, though possibly edging to more extreme variants ( Splicers are easily frustrated in their mental state ).
  • A wide spectrum of 'Splicer-ation' is present in the Splicer communities, with some Splicers only partially effected by ADAM side-effects ( and also possibly with fewer Plasmid powers) .
  • Splicer Society would have several systems of Hierarchy ( who possesses power/influence ):
    • Based on combat power - who has the most damaging/effective killing power
    • Based on technical know-how/skills - some Splicers are good using weapons which can often trump Plasmid abilities.
    • Based on providing something other Splicers want, to have leverage ( and would be lost if the 'specialist' was eliminated/uncooperative ... ).
    • Based on cleverness and persuasiveness ( big bad Plasmid Splicer has to sleep sometime and/or can be overcome if you 'gang up' on them ).
    • Based on delusion and the ability of others to 'buy into' that delusion.

--- --- ---

Splicer Society Simulation :

  • In order for Players to interact correctly with the Splicers they run into, the Splicer's environment needs to be correctly detailed ( including all the real goodies that make at least interesting 'loot' along with more mundane stuff ).
  • Normal survival functions would be simulated ( getting food, safe place to sleep, avoiding enemies, etc ... ) and the Splicers would modify their environments to effect those functions. That is similar to the 'Fitting' behaviors the Auto-generation mechanism uses to integrate individual and groups of Citizen NPCs in New Rapture.
  • Splicers are usually part of a faction - which as a group has behaviors/patterns imposed upon it. Splicer behavior is not simply with the physical environment, but also in relation to other Splicers ( their own faction and others )
  • The Hierarchy in a Splicer Society can have a variety of roles (ie - leaders versus henchmen vs followers vs subjects ) as can the Splicers have different occupations in the group according to Skill.
  • Much of this activity is ABSTRACTED when outside the Player's view, but must be followed thru so that when a Player shows up to see it the Splicers are in the middle of their appropriate behaviors and realistic situations.
  • Again, Good News is that the Citizen NPC ( who are constantly under the scrutiny of Players ) already would be using these same behavioral models/systems and the scripting/data involved need only be modified to match the Splicer variations.
  • Splicers are organized enough to have their own repair abilities/specialists/vehicles/tools/routines.

--- --- ---

MMORPG Splicer's Keeping Busy By Doing Crafting and Fabrication :

No, not fabricating a Splicer,though that is another interesting idea - "How To" Splicing ( pre and post 'civil war' pamphlets ) Hmm, Instructions from the Companies selling ADAM Products - "How To Become More Than You Are, A Citizens First Plasmid" - the instruction booklet and pricelist. Medical instructions to doctors administering ADAM treatments in the early days.

Anyway - Splicer Item Creations made with the same fabrication mechanism -- same tools and templates and skill systems - with Player's Creations of Splicer gear/props being added to the game. Splicer fabrications might be a bit more esoteric ( kludge and Rube Goldberg, etc ... ) in the parts used and potentially odd operations of 'mechanisms' and their logic.

Finished (created) item patterns/templates then to be used for auto-generated terrain and mob/scenario use ( against Players and other Splicers ).

--- --- ---

Splicers, Did They Always Kill Little Sisters or ? :

A Little Sister is a valuable piece of merchandise. They can produce alot of ADAM if managed properly, and some Splicers would be sane enough still to realize that. ( A Single Little Sister might generate more than enough 'ADAM' that one Splicer might need. ) The bigger Splicer Factions (post-civil-war) would likely have the needed knowledge to keep these valuable mutant children alive and manipulate them to produce ADAM. And they would probably trade alot of useful goodies for 'another live one'. By the time of the MMORPG, the 'more' insane Splicers have largely culled themselves out of the ecosystem.

You may (in your adventures) come upon a Splicer holding a Little Sister upside down by the legs and shaking to try to extract some ADAM, instead of doing whatever ugly method they alluded to in BS1/BS2 to get ADAM. OR trying to feed one alot of Capt Salty's Chips and Soda-pop ( or what passes for ... ) to try to get the LS to throw up (seems logical ... ). You might also see Splicers dragging Corpses away to some undisclosed location, where their own little ADAM producer stays safe and secure and gets their 'angels' delivered to them.

An interesting side-idea is that Sofia Lamb had to start kidnapping children from The Surface ( earlier than Mark Meltzers little tracked situation ) -- not so much that there weren't any Little Sisters left in Rapture, rather the other Factions were more than strong enough to keep theirs from her clutches ( and she has a whole bunch of crazy Splicers she needs to bribe with ADAM ).

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Tired of the Splicers All Looking the Same ?? :

In the MMORPG they ( the Creators of NPCs ) would have use of the customizable Avatar 'look and feel' system, The same mechanism used for the Player's Avatars and NPCs, with all the accessorizin' goodies the Player Asset Creators can come up with ( open a magazine from that era to get ideas ... ).

Real mirrors ? Will the Face details be good enough for the results to be more than *yawns* from most Players?

Faces Significant to gameplay ? Emotes part of stories like 'LA Noire' ? (More stage directing control...)

Quite a job (imagination AND skill) Reworking all the known previous characters into more realistic detail ( long dead ones still show up in surviving newsreels and TV documentaries ). More detail equals more contention between the fans ... Emotes and Mannerism to expand on - that might take ALOT of imagination to do right.

Splicer's face mutations added to the basic face - all flavors of those ( and to the body detail ). Lots of ammo for the Program-Generated-Detail System to use to create content 'on-the-fly'.

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Animal ADAM Fun Farm : (Some animals are more Spliced than others...)

If you have animals who have absorbed ADAM somehow. Unless the Tonic/Plasmid mechanism was genetically tailored to them, it might not work too well ( 95%+ same genetics for Chimps but how many chimps have you seen in Rapture ? ) Some of the generalized Tonics might work on a wider range of genetic targets, but undesigned (largely disruptive) side effects would be a likely result. Plants might get similar 'enhancements', and indirect absorption thru feed could happen ( plant genetics being magnitudes more unlikely to be effected, other than very fundamental biochemical ways ).

Farm animals with specifically created ADAM Plasmids/Tonics intentionally applied to improve yield ?? Probably costly ( unless was it to produce valuable drugs OR very limited doses were required. ) Tonics would likely be the majority of such applications.

Second path - unintentional : if it somehow obtains a Plasmid type modification, how does a feral animal inject EVE into itself ( new bottle oral-form EVE, or EVE plants, mentioned elsewhere, which might have enough in them to act as a regular source ).

Weird effects for animals which have absorbed ADAM - deformed in various ways - though likely would be fatal (like cancer) much of the time ?? The Plasmid which are dependent on a whole sequence of specific modifications would likely never be complete. Still it would be 'fun' to have to face some of the few exceptions.

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The Saturnine - Juvenile Insanity :

Fart-henge ... do with it what you will ...

Saturn's Utopian Reign is from Virgil (Roman poet/writer) is reference to a Golden Age. Langford speaks of 'frat boys' (college education wasn't as common as now) who would come up with references like that.

'Saturn' is also the Greek god 'Chronos' (so there should be some fun references to that in the MMORPG).

--- --- ---

Normal People Again ... :

Remembering the selection of Player Avatars from the BS2 MP game -- They look normal(er) -- Were from BEFORE the heavy splicing became common in Rapture. With the MMORPG's 'Cure' for the negative aspects of the Adam addiction, we would have NPCs once again no longer looking like malignant mutants.

'The Cure' of anti-Adam might be again right there in the Sea_Slugs, who don't turn cancerous/behaviorally irregular even though they are full of ADAM. Tenenbaum's solution would mean restoring people back to a more normal state or at least suppressing the negative ones - We still want Plasmids for the FPS part of this game, though many of the technical ones have greater use in the repair/rebuild/restore overplot.

Part of the game I would like to see is having the ability to Crawl up the walls ( maybe not the Player ?? ) Think of how useful to repairs that would be, or to counter 'wild' Splicers in the un-reclaimed parts of the City. That would be IF 'Cures' wouldn't have to destroy Plasmid abilities and there might actually be a reason to safely (via anti-ADAM) 'enhance' Players/NPCs with NEW abilities/skills/physicals/intellectuals as was the original vision for the ADAM. On the other hand, Players might only have normal abilities but more tools to use.

--- --- ---

Splicers Try To DO What Little Sisters Do - Drink Blood - YUMMMM!!! :

But it doesn't work. They don't have that Sea Slug in them).

Sea_Slugs recombine/recycle the broken down ADAM elements/components in the blood ( as part of their natural process of digestion/venom - the origination of the whole mechanism - why it would possibly exist ).

The components are not enzymes/catalysts and get used up.

Opens up the whole 'Vampire' type idea ...

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Laurel and Hardee Pairings of Splicers - The "One Two" (three four) punch of Splicerdom ...

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Deaf, Dumb and Blind AI ... NOT IN OUR *NEW* MMORPG BIOSHOCK !!! :

Splicers would now slam doors in your face and lock them, drop shit on you. Use ALL kinds of odd booby traps they've had years to come up with. ( Tactics as a Player Creation Asset ) They know how to run away and use the terrain as cover. The Terrain is also now with '3D' movement, so single Splicers will be sufficient trouble ( You won't need to face a dozen NPC opponents, in what was basically a shoot-fest/pop-a-mole battle arena, those being repeated over and over in Infinite BS, with YOU being some amazing Bullet Sponge ).

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More Interesting Loot On Splicers:

  • Insane ones might have the weirdest things on them. You never know what 'mementos' they might keep...
  • If you were a Splicer wouldn't you carry around your 'good' stuff so that some other Splicer couldn't ransack you 'lair' as successfully while you were away ?? ( Even with the boobytrapping )
  • Many Splicers memories are notoriously bad, it is likely they keep their 'combinations' written down on their person
  • Lots of stuff falls off of Splicers when they get whacked, and they also drop things when they decide to run from you.
  • Likewise, where they live there might be a bit more than the few measly items we saw in BS1/BS2.

--- --- ---

Secret Stashes of Goods:

  • Ryan and others with money imported many goods to sell in Rapture during the time it still wasn't 'Self-Sufficient'.
  • Some may be types of items that would take a long time for Rapture to start to produce itself, and others that likely would never be replaced 'quality' goods ...
  • Cold storage in Tunnels ( just turn the heat off ... )
  • Likely well hidden. Some looted over the years, others grabbed by Atlas to bribe citizens with.
  • Minerva's Den had a public facility for 'storage'. (Air-Tite Archives)
  • Many people kept 'Contraband' type items or even just hoarded things as the situation got worse ( many small hiding places throughout Rapture ).

--- --- ---

Typical Splicer Camp/Lair Contents :

  • Empty food cans - past repasts - Splicers have to eat like everyone else
  • Canned Food/Water jars - basic sustenance - someone somewhere still was canning stuff for it to last into Lamb's era
  • Bed Mattress - need some basic security to be able to sleep...
  • Candles - need light to read all those books and to keep the night terrors away ( shrines seem to require alot of these...where do they all come from - ADAM-mutated bees ?? )
  • Eating Utensils/Pots/Pans - some of that mold and slime they eat at least can be made tasty
  • Various bits of Clothing (often on a washline) - gots to keep up appearances
  • Tenting - hard to sleep with water dripping on your head* Suitcase - convenient for frequent moves and all that other stuff
  • Cigarette butts (several places) - where is all this tobacco coming from (in BS2)??
  • Booze, often - Raptures real medicine
  • Radio/Phonograph - long hours to while away
  • Books (including Lambs) - gotta keep up with the intellectual stuff - though might just be used for TP
  • Graffiti (frequently) - slogans reassure one (or are expected when Lambs commissars pay a visit)
  • Jars/Buckets of 'harvested' food (barnacles, seaweed) - Bounty from the Sea....
  • Bathtubs full of green slime - EVE production? Pet Sea_Slugs ? Tasty algae ( can't taste worse than Vegamite(tm) )
  • Trash Barrel filled with burning stuff - Much of Rapture is Cold and Damp
  • Lantern - safer than candles and portable when getting up in the middle of the night
  • Dead Cats (frequently) - live kitties keep the rats from gnawing on you while you sleep...
  • Shrine to Lamb (Frequently in BS2) - Deluded half-insane Splicers - Nuf Said.....
  • Accu-Vox Recorder (frequently) - Modern Technology assists you in talking to yourself ... (or listening over and over to someone else's long ago thoughts)
  • Money laying around (sometimes), small amounts of CASH, which might be enough for minor items in Vending Machines.
  • Case for Musical Instrument (some) -- 'Singin the Blues' ain't hard in Rapture ( you be turnin blue if you don't get some heat ... )

--- --- ---

Splicer Ecosystem ( And the Investigations Of It By Players ) :

  • New Rapture is moving forward on recovering many parts of the city
  • Restoring Stable Sustenance and even a little prosperity (???)
  • How did Splicers survive ( on what and how ) ?
  • With more organization ... Splicer Societies ... Factions Division of Labor
  • Hunter Gatherers in Rapture - Gather what ?? Fish, vermin, farms (overgrown), Fungus ... Occupying places where light, air and heat still available
  • Farming could continue where it was able.

--- --- ---

Splicers Are To Be Flexible in Placement in New Terrain ( Adaptive/Fitting Logic ) :

  • AI Programming to 'adapt' to the setting/surroundings/situation they are placed in.
  • Small and large opponent groups (factions) some generic so can be easily cloned in new location and others can 'get away' in the Quest/mission to set up somewhere else.
  • Reaction chart to determine interactions between all Factions ( and New Rapture) - varying relations like being at war/feud or being allies/vassals or just 'trading' or "don't care".
  • Splicers can even advance back into 'citified' territory to conflict with Players.

--- --- ---

How Many Citizens In Rapture Weren't Splicers ?  :

Ryan's Militia was equipped with equivalent 'gun' weapons. Do you SERIOUSLY think that Ryan thought Rapture needed any MORE ADAM_Addled crazies ??? ( Something the writers never thought about when contriving their 'Ryan building an army of Splicers' for their forced plot illogic ).

After the reports in the Free Press ( Fontaine could not suppress ALL of it ), and the seeing of that 'disease'aspect of ADAM ( and the many cases of insanity ), wouldn't many people avoid then it further ?

If it was so addictive, then THAT would have been noticed quite early ( and reported upon to the Public ) - consistency seems something the BS1 writers avoided when contriving their "Oh it just suddenly happened" storyline.

Shortages - How many people could KEEP splicing for long ? The prices on that limited supply would also then go up significantly.

Later :

Avoiding ADAM - Was that a survival element ? - So as to to not go batshit-crazy when survival was needed. Splicers deteriorated, and the ADAM supply dwindled and was irregular at best. Improvised weapons could work much better than dodgy Plasmids.

The MMORPG can illuminate these thing much better ( There's no story 'Twist' to facilitate by dishonestly manipulating the Player into using forced illogic and distorted events and tainted narrative. )

--- --- ---

Thuggish Splicerz :

Handy - You don't run out of ammo !!!

--- --- ---

'New' Splicer Types :

  • Clown Splicer - Tries to make you laugh and while you are groaning at its lameness it tries to knife you - Clowns have always been sinister, and Clown Splicers even moreso.
  • Coward Splicer : Throws everything it owns down on the ground and runs away to cower in some hole.
  • Kamikaze Splicer ... ( Aren't they all ?? )
  • Midget Splicer - harder to hit because of its small size ( one too many 'Reducer' tonics ??? )
  • Chainsaw Splicer - you thought the guys with those hooks were bad ...
  • Pizza Delivery Splicer -- since many various blogs/postings on websites have 'suggested' additional splicer types (mostly endless recombinations of Weapons/Plasmids and known types), THIS splicer delivers you an exorbitantly expensive pizza (too many anchovies) and an optional kitchen sink if you request it.
  • Two Headed Splicer - maybe a bad joke on Steinman's part ?? ( He - still alive, so maybe two heads ARE better than one ??? )


Creepy Splicers - Who dress as Nuns ( 'rulers' made out of flattened rebar )

Lots of fun 'cliche' verbiage from these

"You will have Got a good education - IF YOU SURVIVED!!!"


Cohen's "Psychedelic Nuns" (only a brief fad)

--- --- ---

Little Brothers - the Real Ones :

Fontaine didn't seem to have any use for any 'Little Brothers' as they didn't help him get more ADAM ( It was "Little Sisters Orphanages" not "Little Children's Orphanages" ), which should have raised some question in-game about why that might be ( just one Audio Diary would have served ) and what he might be upto ( just like his murderous thuggery should have made him Public Enemy #1 almost immediately ). But then, logic was not to get in the way of the Plot.

So real (surviving) orphan 'boys' would be roaming the streets, hiding in dark corners, and perhaps some other people would make some orphanages for them, but wouldn't have the money to do on the scale Fontaine did. So these orphans psychological state would be about right for making them feral, and eventually combined with ADAM that would make for an interesting outcome.

By BS2 and the MMORPG's time, these 'boys' would be teenagers.

--- --- ---

Were the Orcs in Lord of The Rings Splicers ?

Tumors, deformities, constantly enraged and violent and kill-happy ...

--- --- ---

Logic Of The Splicers[4]

The MMORPG would have a proper Splicer population density ( Not one 'around every corner' ).

They would be in places they 'had a reason to be at'.

--- --- ---

Child Splicers - Fear Them :

Since by game industry impositions, you can't even hurt them, and then they can do any damage they want to you with impunity.

Maybe a magic wand to turn them into weasels or ponies or inert statues ? ( Oops this isn't Bad-Fantasy Infinite BS )

Nasty mutant kids to kill ? Sorry probably not.

--- --- ---

Burial At Sea Stupidity :

Guys With Stupid Boxes On Their Heads And Padding

Long ago in one of the Medieval Fantasy RPG systems, there was a Leather Armor type referred to by some Players as "Coffin Armor" because the amount of protection (stats) was negligible, but it was heavily encumbering the wearer, resulting mostly in degraded effectiveness/ability to do actions, and thus making the wearer even more vulnerable to enemy attacks ( Worse than wearing no armor at all ).

The 'padded armor seen in Infinite BS and BaSx ( worn by Splicers ) reminded me of that. I suppose it was an attempt 'to look like something' without really understanding the whole concept ( like many parts of the game ). Irrational wins its Second 2013 'Boxhat' award for that and the other goofiness in their Burial At Sea DLC.

Levine should be forced to wear this stupid costume for a week to learn how dim and moronic it is ( Insane/Crazy doesn't equal Stupid ). Peeking through holes in a box - only something a game designer would think would work. Kinda like the padding certain designers put on 'troops' in Infinite BS.

--- --- ---

Sanitary Violation 20 LASHES

For A Splicer in Post-Chaos Rapture, this is no 'Ewwwwwww!!!" moment. IT is a "FEAST !!!! YUM !!!" Moment.

(( Peeps 'these days' have little idea what it is to be truly hungry - So protected/safe are their lives. MANY people back then would understand. ))

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The Stick Splicer Is Meant To Not Make Sense - SPLICERS BE INSANE ...

--- --- --- --- ---

  1. Hitpoints is an old roleplaying game term for health points of a Character
  2. google the movie
  3. Plankton is miniature Sea Organisms which live near the Oceans surface - and NOT related to "Finkton" - that dim mega-factory complex in Infinite BS
  4. Silence of The Lambs?


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End of : *** Splicers ***






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Now for an Advertisement from Ryan Industries ...


Spoiler Warning !

This WIKI contains plot details about the BioShock games.




Fantasy ? ? ? I Andrew Ryan Reject This !!!

Is not the Player due a proper Sci-Fi game paid for by the $60 Sweat of their Brow ??? The Game Companies say " NOOOOOOOOO ! The players will eat whatever rubbish we set before them !! "

"SO I left the Parasites and created "BioShock: Rapture Reborn" , a MMORPG place where the Player will FEEL they are in a real 'World Under the Sea', and the Players IMAGINATION will Pull The Great Chain !!! ..... "






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Contrary Opinions are Being Offered HERE !!!!

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Because I WANT computer games to be better than what we typically get from the Game Industry, and perhaps by pointing out ClapTrap like BioShock Infinite, strong criticisms being voiced might serve to SHAME the makers of such substandard games, and MIGHT cause them to DO BETTER in Future.


I wont hold my breath that this will happen though.

Note - This Wiki is for people who have the ability to NOT lose attention for content posted in MORE than 144 Characters of TEXT


Money makes Rapture go round...

Drink *CalciO* And Achieve Greatness !!!


















WARNING - YES, This whole Wiki is a 'Thought Experiment', and YOU are the Test Subjects !!!!!

( So are YOU Alive or Dead as per this whole Concept ??? )



*WARNING* - This MMORPG contains blood and gore, intense violence, mild sexual themes, strong language and use of alcohol and tobacco.



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*** Fanboi Spoilage Alert ***  :

The contents of this Wiki may Collapse the Fanboi's vision of the BioShock games from being "The most greatest awesomeness thing evah !!", into just one of the many average games ... ( Your reason for existing may decline severely and/or your entire viewpoint of the universe may be utterly crushed. )

You have been warned.



MANY Images on the Rapture Reborn Wiki are taken from the BioShock video game series or from websites created and owned by 2K Games, the Copyright of which is held by Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. All Trademarks and Registered Trademarks present in those images are proprietary to Take-Two Interactive and its subsidiaries. The use of such Images to illustrate articles concerning the subject of the images in question is believed to qualify as fair use under United States Copyright Law, as such display does not significantly impede the right of the copyright holder to sell the Copyrighted material and is not being used to generate profit in this context.
































Final Disclaimer : I am aware that various Fanbois think any kind of negative or different comments about BioShock makes me a "Poo Poo Head" ( in their minds ), and they feel fully justified in their 'Being So Offended' by my contrary ideas, and for their fervent wish to Silence anyone talking/thinking expressing such things ...

But I don't give a Rodents Rectum about such small-mindedness and slavish infantile infatuation with a game ( or its writers ), Nor for those who merely complain-whine out of their own Attention Whoring mental issues.



