RaptureRebornMMORPG Wiki

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List of MMORPG and BioShock Terms ( Note I will point to another site for basic info as per the original games. This content here reflects modifications/elaborations that the MMORPG would have ) :

H ...... M ...... S ...... Z . . . (Click To Jump)

AE Freight - the undersea railroad which operated in place of the Atlantic Express as freight-only after the Metro system had taken over most of the passenger business in the City.

AE_Mk1 - Rapture's original Atlantic Express train system

AE Mk2 - Rapture's Improved train system, rebuilt midway through Raptures history

Anachro-Fail - Failure of a Anachronistic Story in Detail, Logic or Reason. Particularly if a Actual Historic Element is presumed.

Anachronism - A thing belonging or appropriate to a period other than that in which it exists.

AI - (Artificial Intelligence) - simulated behaviors to objects which make them appear to behave intelligently (to varying extents). This MMORPG employment of such would vastly increase the use of AI for NPCs in the game.

Arena Battle - An enclosed area for fighting a large number of opponents. Exit is not allowed until all the opponents are eliminated. The Terrain is often Circular with multiple paths leading to other parts of the area. ( MultiPlayer game 'levels' are usually larger examples of this arrangement. ) Usually a multitude of Opponents are present - Pre-placed tactically to appear to have battle plan tactics (ie- crossfire), when it is mostly just using limited NPC Move & Fight AI.

Art Deco - a name created to specify a style of arts ( and other world creations ) starting around the 1920s and continuing into the 1940s

Assets - Data which defines the game ( seen/heard/interacted-with by the Player )

Atlas Deadbeat - One type of Atlas's Followers (perhaps also of Fontaine previously -inhabitants of his 'poor houses') to whom he has told that Ryan is the source of their problems. He tells them what they want to hear. Perhaps many are Splicers (ADAM addicts) who have a deteriorated mental capacities/sanity, and who are no longer thinking as they did when they decided (and were accepted) to come to live in Rapture. Ordinary Citizens would likely have a disdain for those like them - those who do not seem to be seeking employment or who have disabled themselves by drinking and drug use, or are simply lazy.


BaS BaSx - Burial at Sea ( a DLC game for BS:Infinite )

Bathysphere - a submersible vehicle ( Actually what are seen in-game are a Bathyscaphe[1], as real Bathyspheres are NOT self maneuvering ). The "Bathyspheres" are used in Rapture for human transportation between stations in different parts of the City. A higher priced transit method ( versus the Trolleys and Trains ). In New Rapture the system is slowly being rebuilt, but the whole citywide system is substantially inoperable.

Battle Arena - Term given to the style of scene (like in Infinite BS) where you cannot escape until you kill off all opponents in a contained/blocked-in area. Usually having numerous pre-placed opponents having good cross-fire (no AI required) on the Player. Infinite also had statically located 'Tear' 'selectable' options within the 'Arena', as well as a often a bizarre/unrealistic Circuit of Skyline. Both of those elements were largely stripped from the SandBox/Free-movement areas of the game and genericised into the game's many 'Battle Arenas'.

Beaux Arts - Characterized by the use of historic forms, rich decorative detail, and a tendency toward monumental conception ( The French École des Beaux-Arts School of Fine Arts, in Paris ). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beaux-Arts_architecture https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/beaux%20arts

Bio-Electronics - Bio-tissue-based circuitry used to build complex advanced logic circuits (and computing devices). In Rapture, an outgrowth of ADAM technology.

Bioluminescence - Glowing cause through a biological mechanisms (real world exists)

BS Short for Bullshit - Fakery (intentional or due to ignorance/stupidity)

BS1 - Bioshock 1 Computer game

BS2 - BioShock 2 Computer game

Building Block - basic components able to be assembled to make more complex things.

Bullet Sponge - A game term referring to an unreasonable amount of damage which the Player or an NPC can take when unrealistic combat damage is done to feed the Players unimaginative expectations.

Butterfly Effect - Theory Concerning Time Travel ( or just simple progression of History ) - Small events can have very large consequences ( Related to "Chaos Theory" ). IF you go back in time and cause a change of the slightest, apparently insignificant, detail/event, THEN that tiny change can ACTUALLY have GREAT effect upon the then following Future -- Due to all the many complex interactions in Causality in the Universe.[2]


Candyland - A (real world) simple Child's game (ages 3-7) which 'being like' is to be avoided for a game like BioShock. Simplistic theme or story which is pretty but vapid for anyone older than 5 years old.

"Canned" Game Content - Game content which is basically recorded and played back to the Player, who has minimal or no interactions with it. Frequently is merely 'CutSceen' animations shown to the Player.

Canon In fiction, Canon is the material/things accepted as officially part of the story in the fictional universe of that story.

Ceres Green - An added City section which was in the center of the primary 'farm belt' of Rapture. The farms were mostly low cost tunnels in a good solid rock section of seabed ( required to self-support structure under ocean water pressure ). It is East of Arcadia and was a significant source of food/other agricultural products and oxygen for the City.

(The) Chaos - The times following the apparent death of Andrew Ryan, when much of the remaining organization broke down in Rapture. Various factions came into power.

Civil War - A state of affairs in which the Rule of Law has collapsed or is subjugated by a separate authority. Where a large portion of a society is fighting against the other. Rapture's so-called 'civil war' situation was more one of anarchy and disruption brought about by the concerted actions of organized terrorists and ADAM induced insanity. (( Note - Lowercase 'civil war' is used by me implying this lesser improperly named state. ))

Claptrap - Pretentious and insincere, artifice expedient for winning applause or impressing audience. Example - Those Infinite BS Game Trailers/Presentations, and ultimately the Infinite BS game itself.

Client - The machine at the Players end. Communicates with the 'Server' system located at the game company, via the Internet. Is responsible for interacting with Players by taking inputs and displaying output - using a visual screen display, sound. For the MMORPG, it may also run AI for NPCs the Player interacts with.

Contraband - Illicit/Illegal items - most Smuggled in to Rapture. Due to the Objectivist/Libertarian bent of Rapture, these items had to be things who's being obtained threatened Raptures survival.

Crapsack_World - A terrible/dystopic setting required for a story

Chrysler_Building - The Iconic Art Deco Building finished 1930 [3]

(The) Cure - The elimination of the genetic mutations/pollution from Splicers bodies, done to restore them into being ordinary humans again.

Cut Scene - a non-interactive Computer Game narrative device used to divide Plot Segments. Usually being video ( or a pre-canned choreographed scene using the games game mechanics ). The Player has to watch a Story Scene, and cannot change the events happening. The technique allows illustrating events which DO NOT have to be from the Players perspective and may be from other peoples eyes and take place in other Places and Times.

Cyborg : A combination of man and machine ( mechanical elements built into the body - somewhat MORE than implants in the ear canal ). Term coined 1960. Alternate : 'Cy Borg' was this Swedish guy ... ( BioShocks Big Daddies were 'Cyborgs' )

Death of the Author - An author's intentions and background ( including their politics and religion ) should hold no special weight in determining how to interpret their work. This means that a writer's views about their own work are no more or less valid than the interpretation of the reader. [4]

Decoherence - Quantum Decoherence - Quantum decoherence is the loss of quantum coherence. In quantum mechanics, particles such as electrons are described by a wave function, a mathematical representation of the quantum state of a system; a probabilistic interpretation of the wave function is used to explain various quantum effects. As long as there exists a definite phase relation between different states, the system is said to be coherent. A definite phase relationship is necessary to perform quantum computing on quantum information encoded in quantum states. Coherence is preserved under the laws of Quantum Physics.

Deus Ex Machina (Latin : "God from the machine") - A plot device whereby a seemingly unsolvable problem in a story is suddenly and abruptly resolved by an unexpected and unlikely occurrence

Dictionary - A MMORPG database of all published Templates and Static Data used to keep the players local Client Cache ( on THEIR machine ) up to date or to access immediately when needed for gameplay.

Diesel Punk - A Fantasy genre generally set post-WW1, where combustion engines were becoming the norm. Art Deco motifs and pre-atomic technologies are generally shown. Usually coupled with WW2 era ideologies and Dystopic societies.

Dirigible - a Rigid Lighter-Than-Air Airship - which has a reinforcing skeleton maintaining its shape ( A 'Blimps' main body is not rigid ). Zeppelins were the best-known title for German-made dirigibles ( made by the Zeppelin company[5] ).

DLC - DownLoadable Content - addons to a game which are downloaded separately ( and may require an additional fee to purchase ).

DNA stands for : Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid [6] - a molecule used within living things to contain their genetic pattern. It ( or multiple molecules of the same type ) controls an organism's existence - Its growth and function ( in combination with RNA ). You will see this term thrown around alot in BioShock - often with much ignorant hyperbole.

Dystopia - A hypothetically presented society which has gone terribly wrong. Usually used as a setting in a game where the Player can make use of violence as a solution, but with 'good intentions' ( ie- murdering Nazis is OK ) .. See Crapsack_World .. See Alas_Dystopia.

EULA - End-User License Agreement - a legal contract entered into between a software developer or vendor and the user of the software.

Fabrication - Crafting/repairing of objects within the game (including parts of buildings). The entire MMORPG game is based on modifiable objects, which allows more versatile manipulation of Objects by the Player.

Failtopia (my original) - a game setting Dystopia which it too obviously contrived ( the ignorance and sloppiness often being in great evidence ).

False Altruism - Manipulation of Altruism [7]

Fantasy Shitload - reality-perverted story done lazily simply for 'glitz' value.

Flybot - Those flying/shooting robot security devices.

FPS - First Person Shooter - Generally A Single Player Game genre where the Player, via a View seen 'from their Eyes', moves about killing NPCs - Where the Player's point of view is from a character's/avatar's eyes ( inhabiting a body -- instead of looking down on it/over-shoulder or other game situation visualization POV ). The Player is led through a sequence of scenes (levels) following a general plot. Alot of movement and shooting is generally the main point of the game. Various non-killing actions are usually included to vary the action pacing and activities.

Game Engine - Basic Software of a computer/video game. The program system which implements the computer game. The Client Program and Server (if there is one), and a whole suite of Tools to build the data/scripting which controls the Game.

Game World - an Artificial Universe - an imaginary place in which the events of the game occur. Various dimensions which describe a game world : the physical, temporal, environmental, emotional, and ethical dimensions, as well as a quality called realism.

Gianormous - something absurdly unrealistically large - See Gianormous_Infinite_BS for examples

Gibs - (Gibblets) Game Slang for : Bits of Flesh and Organs which go flying from a body as the result of game violence. Used as an early special effect utilizing fairly simple game Assets and animations.

Grandfather Paradox - A TimeTraveling Issue where : IF you go back in Time and change something significant you change the past and destroy the situation you started in - Even to the extent of YOU then not even existing. Something like the very direct event of Killing your own Grandfather, who if when dead can't father your Father, who cannot then father YOU. And with that in the that past's future, YOU no longer can exist to be able to go Back in Time to do that killing action. Other smaller actions can have as much effect to disrupt the subsequent future. ( Even what you might consider insignificant, according to Chaos Theory [8])


Hack Writer Creed - "Never let Physics or Reality get in the way of the plot" ( 'taken to heart' by the Infinite BS game writers ).

Hypothesis - A supposition or proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation. ex- "The M-Worlds Hypothesis" - an idea proposed but with little or no proof ( which required to graduate to be "Theory" )

Hitpoints - Player Avatar's (or an NPCs) damage state ( a number which usually when 0 reached brings death or disablement ). Can also be a term talking about damage done to an opponent.

Infinite - 'BioShock: Infinite' - the subsequent game made by the same company. Though it shares (reuses) many aspects from the previous BioShock games, it is much further into the realm of Fantasy/Magic ( instead of being Sci-Fi ). The game misapplies Quantum Theory as Pseudo Science to be a crutch to justify special effects and non-adherence to Basic Physics. Infinite BS has virtually nothing to do with Rapture, except some welded on scenes which looks more an attempt to milk the 'BioShock' name branding more than anything else. ( Later reinforced (forced) by the DLC Burial at Sea ).

Infinitized - Something which is Now just a big Cluster-Levine of game nonsense ...

Infunate New word I created to refer to the Bullshit stench of Infinite BS.

In-Game - That which takes place/is-accessed by the Player within the running Game.

Johnny - The Delta clone who emerged from the same machine Delta had in Adonis Resort, who had his own destiny in helping start New Rapture. Subject Delta aka Johnny Topside ( A Big Daddy who once was 'Johnny Topside' - an outsider who Ryan had once exiled to Persephone )

"Just A Game" - What fanbois and others say when you bring up all the contradictions in the game's story/facts/details. ( And To which I have retorted : "Yes, JUST a game" - With but with all the Hype being about 'How great it all is'. )

LA Noire - A Police Detective computer game set in Los Angeles in the late 1940s. Had interesting feature of The Player trying to read facial gestures and dialogue to selected questions while interviewing Suspects to Determine their Guilt or further Clues in an active Police Case. A good swath of LA was recreated for the character to move thru, with numerous Known Iconic/Historic locations.

Lock Box Gnomes - Some entity in the original games which mysteriously substituted distinctive metal boxes for corpses ( containing possessions of corpses ). Was a means of simplifying rendering in the operation of the game when too many corpses piled up ( corpses being complex multi-part articulated objects, they took up significant rendering resources on the computer ). Possible employment for 'Little Brothers'.

Loot Boxes - Those Containers left after a corpse evaporates in the Solo Games ( The conversion is a game engine method of simplifying the rendering (GPU load) of the game for lower capability computers/consoles ).

LOD - Level of Detail - Method of drawing/rendering simplified objects when they are 'far enough' away from the Player when that extra detail is not visible. A type of graphics optimization.

Luddite - People who would organize around their distrust and fear of machines - being a threat upon themselves and society. Much of it was based on destruction of jobs and livelihoods by the new machine mechanisms.

Ludonarrative_Dissonance - Conflict between a video game's narrative told through the Story, and the narrative told through the gameplay. ( Ex - Killing Little Sisters is 'Bad', when Killing innocent Big Daddies is 'Normal' and unjudged ).


M-Worlds Hypothesis - A hypothesis (not 'theory') that attempts to explain the Light Wave Vs Particle issue in Physics. Unfortunately it BREAKS many Fundamental Laws Of Physics.

Maintenance Cyborgs - Predecessors to Big Daddies. Mentally deranged inmates were converted to 'useful' cyborgs to do City Maintenance more effectively than Submarines and divers in Hard Suits.

Metro - The short abbreviated name of the Consolidated Metropolitan Transport System of Rapture

Mini-Game - A class of small simpler game attached to the Primary MMORPG game ( particularly designed to work on Tablets and SmartPhones ), so that the Player can participate in productive ways while not able to play on their Primary Powerful 'gaming machine'. See MiniGame_Creation_Idea

Mission/Quest - Task for player, predefined as part of the game - adventures within the MMORPG

Mk1/Mk2 - see AE_Mk1 / AE_Mk2 Atlantic Express Phases of existence.

MMORPG - Massively Multi-Player Online Role Playing Game ('MMO' - is a prefix applied to other game genres like Shooters )

Mobius Strip Timelines - With Time Travel ( and made worse with Multiple Dimensions being Traversable ), You have Paradoxes being solved by shifting of realities - and with additional interference ( not just one Time Travel Incident ) from other 'actors' ( OR potentially the same actor additional times ). The timeline thus diverts and contorts and often has chunks divided off. Offshoot hypothesis : With Infinite possible Re-Interference, there is an absolute certainty of complete annihilation of All Time.

MP - Multi-player - BS2 had a multiplayer game included with separate small level maps and a game mechanics subset.

New Rapture - The rebuilding of Rapture started by Tenenbaum and Johnny (the Delta clone) being populated by cured Splicers (the) Novel

Noir - a genre characterized by crime, cynicism, fatalism, and moral ambiguity.

Normalcy - A term referring to the normal state of a place. A term I use when referring to what Rapture was BEFORE the Kashmir Incident and Atlas's Terrorism brought Disruption, Destruction, Chaos and 'War Measures" to the city.[9]

NPC - "Non-Player Character" (a script/program driven entity that interacts within a game with the Player

NPC 'Team ' - Player has some NPCs under their control to do tedious/grindy tasks, and to fill out a 'party' which goes adventuring thru the wilder places of Rapture.

Object - A game entity - either passive (ex- a chair) or active (an NPC). The entire world is created of objects which can be subject to manipulation ( when most games have large parts of their terrain and many detail items in that terrain static ).

Objectivism - See http://atlassociety.org/objectivism/atlas-university/what-is-objectivism/objectivism-101-blog/3366-what-is-objectivism

Only One Law - An absurd over-generalization used in the original BioShock games which could not possibly work as the City has been defined. Ryan said HE has only ONE LAW ( a law he imposed about Smuggling - a crime he considered as threatening Rapture's existence ). Note - You CANNOT maintain a complex society without a system of laws.

Paradox - A situation, person, or thing that combines contradictory features or qualities ( Ex- in Infinite BS : Elizabeth 'goes back in time' and preemptively eliminates Comstock, but the events giving her the powers to 'go back in time' come directly from the actions of Comstock in the present. )

Planner - A Technique in programming Artificial Intelligence, where a goal is coupled with steps to achieve it. Used to break down a problem (Divide and Conquer), and used to select/prioritize (programmatically) a sequence of objectives to achieve simulation of an object's intelligent behavior.

Player Asset Creation - A system where Players supply a great many of the Asset components for the MMORPG. It is well beyond Mod'ing done in other games. See Player_Created_Assets

Plot Crutch - a sub par (lazy) Storytelling mechanism. Something which too easily solves the issue of the writers completing their plot/story. Sometimes done in a dubious Open-Ended Metaphysical way ( Example : Elizabeth in Infinite BS is contrived to have magic god powers to force various Story events - oddly, when the game's Quantum elements are supposed to be (near Real World) SCIENCE (and Our World's/Players reality) ). ((( SEE "Deus Ex Machina" )))

Pop-a-Mole as in a game with simplified game mechanics, requiring little thinking.

Presentism - An attitude toward the past dominated by present-day attitudes and experiences. A historical term meaning judging past actions by today’s standards. Encourages a kind of moral complacency and self-congratulation. Interpreting the past in terms of present concerns and standards leads those who apply it to think themselves morally superior.

Primary Construction - Rapture's basic structural construction

Procedural Programming - Using program code in a game to vary the content ( instead of it being statically created ). Actually a difficult task to do correctly so as to not create problematic/repetitious/obviously-bad complicated game situations ( Objects have to fit together cant simply seem RANDOM. )

Procedural Generation - Programmatically (using Auto_Generation) generating Game Data for display/player-interaction of  : Scenery, Props and Objects and NPCs ( 'Spawns' are an easy example ), Behavior of NPCs ( varying them so they aren't all the same ), Quest/Missions ( creation of new quests or variations ). Usually not just 'randomized', but more working from existing logical patterns, with rules of how the different components fit together. Can be combined with highly detailed unique building blocks which are cohesively put together -- but being unique do not warrant complicated programming to assemble ALL their details. Reuse of Templates for which contain commonly reused data and logic.

Promotional Jivetalk - What some companies do where they push out Big Presentations to the Public which turn out to NOT be the game eventually Published. Likewise it can be 'interviews' which talk alot, attempting to explain what WAS NOT EXPLAINED in the game itself. (( SEE "Jive" [10] ))

Psionic - Enablement and Operation of actions/effects through the power of the mind (and not body).

Quantum_Mechanics - A branch of Mechanics which deals with the mathematical description of motion and interaction of subatomic particles. It incorporates the concepts of the uncertainty principle, quantization of energy, wave-particle duality, and the correspondence principle.

Rapture - City at the Bottom of the Sea, built by Andrew Ryan ( the location in the games BioShock and BioShock 2 ). An Objectivist bastion designed to survive the Parasitic Surface World which was on the brink of destruction.

(The) Ruins - name for those parts of Rapture outside of the section being rebuild as New Rapture. Also referred to as (the) Wilds.

Rapturites - Rapturians, Citizens, Rapturosos, Rapturicans -- Inhabitants of Rapture

RetCon (Retroative Continuity) :

Definition : ( in a film, television series, or other fictional work ) a piece of new information that imposes a different interpretation on previously described events, typically used to facilitate a dramatic plot shift or account for an inconsistency. "RetCon" is usually mentioned as a negative when it is making a change in the previous Canon ( versus inserting new content which does not much change or contradict the original story details.

RetroFuturism - A Shown Portrayal of the Future which was done in the Past - shown in current times with the point being : An expected/imagined Future diverging significantly from what has happened up to the Present.

RNA - RiboNucleic Acid - an organic polymeric molecule implicated in various biological roles in coding, decoding, regulation, and expression of genes - especially the building of proteins. RNA is created as smaller segments of a DNA master pattern.

RSP - Rapture Standard Pressure - Sea Level Air Pressure ( 14.695 lb/in^2 ) - Across all of the interior of Rapture this air pressure is held to.

RTS - Real Time Simulation - A game with overview of many objects the player controls ( usually looking down on them and scrolling around on a large map ). Orders are issued ( selection, order, target ) to the objects ( frequently being military units ) which are then carried out following behavior scripting of those objects. Game usually includes a economic element to produce more of the controlled objects.

(The) Ruins - The parts of Rapture which were wrecked and disrupted through the actions of the Anarchists, and the following descent of civilization.

Ryan - Andrew Ryan - founder and builder of Rapture

Ryanium - Extremely strong material used to construct parts of Rapture


Sandbox - a free movement, 'open terrain' setting for the game, where the Player can Go where they want and largely Do as they want. Missions have to be embedded within such a terrain system. NPC Inhabitants have to be placed for free interaction.

Science Fiction (AKA Sci-Fi) - a concept based on adherence to systematic principals usually based on the Real World physics/logic. Systematic explanations are ( or rather NOT having to explain ) - based on real world assumptions which could plausibly be done, assuming certain advances in technical developments ( ie- the ADAM chemical existing with effects on further developments in genetics/physiology modification of humans ). The effects on Society and People is more important than the exact technical details of the advancements.

Sea_Mount - An undersea Volcano ( which does not rise/exist above the Ocean's Surface ). NOTE - If the volcano is old enough, it MAY have been above the Ocean surface during the Ice Ages/previous times, when World ocean levels dropped around 400 feet.

Sequel-itus - The typical proclivity for Game Sequels ( and Sequels in-general ) to be inferior to the original.

Server - The computers on the game company side of the internet where the World Simulation runs. Coordinates the game between the many players and the NPCs/terrain making up the simulation. These days a server is usually an extended cluster of computers to handle all the tasks required.

Server World - A Unique Independent World Simulation for the MMORPG Game which is run on a 'Server'. More than one simulated Game World can be operational. Each 'World' has its map, which in this MMORPG game design can have significant differences due to the actions of the Players.

Shitprops - Illogical, oversized things placed in the terrain as filler. Infinite's oversize game level maps had plenty of crap like this. It is possible that so much of this was done to cover over huge surfaces, but had to be simpleton detail so as to not take up too much of the Game Rendering capacity. Much was also repetitive to not require as much gamemaker effort and imagination.

(The) Short Line - A section of the old Atlantic Express train routes we took to traverse part of Southern Rapture in Bioshock 2. It used the old Mk1 train equipment and track, as it was a minor line which did not warrant the later Mk2 upgrades. Prentice Mill ran this line largely as a hobby after he bankrupted and sold out the Atlantic Express system during a financial crisis in Rapture. Hence, it was one of the few passenger train lines still operating as late as the time of Sofia Lamb's departure.

Sideways Uncle Paradox - With an Assumption of Multiple Dimensions being Traveled, AND Time Travel -- Having someone ELSE 'goes back in time' after YOU 'went back in time' and 'messes things up'. (( See Mobius Strip Timelines ))

Skybox - The horizon view you see out of the windows into the ocean - a picture wrapped around the player that never gets any closer. In the BioShock games they unfortunately often repeated the picture more than once instead of creating unique 360 degree views. Within this "Skybox", closer to the Player, various false front buildings or seabed surface was added which, though were out of scale caricatures, still added some depth to the various views.

Slaughter-Fest Game - aka Pop-a-Mole, Shoot-Fest, Shooting Gallery game, Shooter game - games whose primary activity is killing multitudes of proponents.

Sofia Lamb - A primary character (Antagonist) in the BioShock 2 game

Staff - A moldable combination of plaster and fiber (burlap) used to quickly/temporarily form decorations, statuary and building sides ( ontop of lathing and larger wood supports ). The 1893 Columbian Exposition used this material extensively (painted white) to quickly and cheaply build the fair. It rarely lasted a year out in the elements.

Steam Punk - A flavor of Adventure Fiction set around the Victorian era with Fantasy technologies ( usually wisely left unexplained ), and frequently incorporating a Metaphysical element. Genre similar to H G Welles, Jules Verne, Frankenstein, etc ... (( https://steampunk.fandom.com/wiki/Steampunk_Wiki ))

Storyboarding - A mechanism in which a story is 'concepted out'/planned/designed/visualized using pictures ( pictures worth a thousand words ... )

Story Crutch - A story mechanism which is abused to get the story line the writers have made. Often being an absurdism which does not work in the Real World, or is too ridiculous to be anything representing common understandings for the Readers. Often there will be attempts to Explain how it works, which makes it all an even more absurd 'house of cards' as various complex loopholes are accounted for. Even in Fantasy things can be done Plain Wrong.

Strawman Argument - A proposed example of an opposition's premise which is flawed and intended to be easily countered. Use made to try to invalidate the opposing reasoning/argument by defining the oppositions argument. ( See also : https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/StrawUtopia/StrawDystopia )

Street(s) - Long structures that connect some clusters of buildings in Rapture which have several storied residences and small businesses lining them. Usually with a road and Trolley in its center on the lower floor. Thus they are an equivalent of a city 'street' lines with low-rise buildings. ( See Streets )

Suponatural - Fantasy - unreal, scientific impossibility, mythological construct ( Infinite BS epitomizes this )

Team NPC - In this MMORPG, there would be Team Non-Player-Characters (NPC) who assist the player in their activities.

Templates - A predefinition set of data used to define and organize, may include 'inherited' default data. The data can include 'scripting' code. Templates are designed to be hierarchically organized, from generic to specific to organize and inherit attributes ( and thus to save much effort on similar information/scripting ).

Tenement - A house divided into and rented out as separate residences, especially one that is run-down and overcrowded. ( Note - The Sinclair Deluxe was obviously an apartment building with features vastly superior to what is commonly classified as "Tenement". Hestia Chambers and "Fontaines Home For The Poor" fits this classification much better. )

Thematic Dissonance - The existence of conflicting and poorly combined story ideas

Thought Experiment - A mental analogy to illustrate and explain a concept. All this stuff about a Rapture MMORPG is an illustration of the potential of the advanced systems you can read on this WIKI which could use a well define game genre/theme to create a better game for players. The ideas could apply to creating MMORPGs for plenty of other genres/themes ( and that actually would be part of the plan to defray many of the costs of developing those 'advanced system' features ).

Tran-Orbital_Lobotomy - A physiologically minimal impact method of Brain Surgery used to treat mental illness.

Tropical Deco - A subset of the Art Deco style in cities like Miami where many new building employed that style back in the 1920s/1930s/1940s (Do a Google Image search on the term "Tropical Deco" )

Trolley - The (now) extensive inexpensive (Metro) transportation system using Trolley Cars seen (badly done) in BS1, which would have really carried most of the Metro passengers in Rapture -- versus the more expensive Bathysphere part of the Metro system.

Uncanny Valley - The Idea that a more detailed attempt at realistic human appearance can make minor flaws stand out MORE, and so 'look wrong' - Far more than caricatures and simplified presentations do. [11]

Utopia - An imagined place or state of things in which everything is perfect

The Wild - The part of Rapture outside of the rebuilding part of New Rapture ( outside of City Limits ). Some remote areas outside 'City Center' like Hephaestus, Neptune's Bounty, Central Computing are considered part of New Rapture.

World_Building - The Process of Constructing a World, originally an imaginary one, often associated with a Fictional Universe.


Zerg-Rush - A mass 'rush at enemy' meleee - Term used in Mech Warrior game (branding) - [[1]]

Zero-Point Module - Oops, that s 'Stargate' Genre thing, and not the Infinite BS Bad Fantasy that wasn't worthy to lick shit off Stargate's Instep. ( Note - "SG1" would have destroyed the Evil Meddler Elizabeth 'Threat to the Universe' in a matter of minutes and had time to have Tea and Water Cress Sandwiches with the Luteces before their Shift was over ... )

3D - Three Dimensional (as per) Graphics ( the MMORPG is a THREE DIMENSIONALLY presented game )

2D - Two Dimensional (flat view)

Good Sayings :

"Deliver Trash just to get the Cash" - A Job in Rapture, OR what the Infinite BS writers did ?

"Measure Twice, Cut Once" - A good way to make a good game.

"Those who don't work, don't eat" - John Smith, President of the Jamestown Colony ( during "The Starving Time" )

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  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bathyscaphe
  2. Bradbury's "Sound Of Thunder" short story - made into TV
  3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chrysler_Building
  4. See https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DeathOfTheAuthor
  5. Luftschiffbau Zeppelin GmbH is a German company which, during the early 20th century, was a leader in the design and manufacture of rigid airships, specifically of the Zeppelin type. The company was founded by Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin.
  6. https://www.conservapedia.com/Deoxyribonucleic_acid
  7. https://www.conservapedia.com/False_Altruism
  8. https://www.conservapedia.com/Chaos_theory
  9. "Normalcy" - Various players I have talked with could not (or would not) understand that Rapture was nothing like the mess you see the remains of in the game, AND that the things Ryan and others (ie- Steinman) did were not 'the norm' before the city went to hell because of Fontaine/Atlas.
  10. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/jive
  11. https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/UncannyValley


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End of : *** Glossary ***






...... Sitemap ............ Page_Index ......






Now for an Advertisement from Ryan Industries ...


Spoiler Warning !

This WIKI contains plot details about the BioShock games.




Fantasy ? ? ? I Andrew Ryan Reject This !!!

Is not the Player due a proper Sci-Fi game paid for by the $60 Sweat of their Brow ??? The Game Companies say " NOOOOOOOOO ! The players will eat whatever rubbish we set before them !! "

"SO I left the Parasites and created "BioShock: Rapture Reborn" , a MMORPG place where the Player will FEEL they are in a real 'World Under the Sea', and the Players IMAGINATION will Pull The Great Chain !!! ..... "






WARNING - This Website is *** NOT SAFE FOR WORK ***



*** Warning - Fanboi Head Explosion Zone ***

Contrary Opinions are Being Offered HERE !!!!

|||||||||||||| Sitemap |||||||||||||| Index |||||||||||||| Humor ||||||||||||||


Because I WANT computer games to be better than what we typically get from the Game Industry, and perhaps by pointing out ClapTrap like BioShock Infinite, strong criticisms being voiced might serve to SHAME the makers of such substandard games, and MIGHT cause them to DO BETTER in Future.


I wont hold my breath that this will happen though.

Note - This Wiki is for people who have the ability to NOT lose attention for content posted in MORE than 144 Characters of TEXT


Money makes Rapture go round...

Drink *CalciO* And Achieve Greatness !!!


















WARNING - YES, This whole Wiki is a 'Thought Experiment', and YOU are the Test Subjects !!!!!

( So are YOU Alive or Dead as per this whole Concept ??? )



*WARNING* - This MMORPG contains blood and gore, intense violence, mild sexual themes, strong language and use of alcohol and tobacco.



*WARNING* - Fanbois May Find The Content of This Wiki Confusing and Distressingly Contradictory to Their Narrow Miniscule Mindsets. Some Head Explosions May Result



*** Fanboi Spoilage Alert ***  :

The contents of this Wiki may Collapse the Fanboi's vision of the BioShock games from being "The most greatest awesomeness thing evah !!", into just one of the many average games ... ( Your reason for existing may decline severely and/or your entire viewpoint of the universe may be utterly crushed. )

You have been warned.



MANY Images on the Rapture Reborn Wiki are taken from the BioShock video game series or from websites created and owned by 2K Games, the Copyright of which is held by Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. All Trademarks and Registered Trademarks present in those images are proprietary to Take-Two Interactive and its subsidiaries. The use of such Images to illustrate articles concerning the subject of the images in question is believed to qualify as fair use under United States Copyright Law, as such display does not significantly impede the right of the copyright holder to sell the Copyrighted material and is not being used to generate profit in this context.
































Final Disclaimer : I am aware that various Fanbois think any kind of negative or different comments about BioShock makes me a "Poo Poo Head" ( in their minds ), and they feel fully justified in their 'Being So Offended' by my contrary ideas, and for their fervent wish to Silence anyone talking/thinking expressing such things ...

But I don't give a Rodents Rectum about such small-mindedness and slavish infantile infatuation with a game ( or its writers ), Nor for those who merely complain-whine out of their own Attention Whoring mental issues.



